Friday, 29 October 2021

Back Pain Exercises For Pregnant Women

For a pregnant woman who is already suffering from a back problem, exercising can be a very difficult task to do. But that's an initial phase only. Back pain exercises for pregnant women are quite different from the regular ones meant for normal people. These are mild movements that soothe the delicate body of a pregnant woman. 

With the help of these simple movements, you can actually fight your back problem with the help of few suggestions from best neurosurgeons in Chennai. Quite often, it is seen that a pregnant women gets very depressed time and again. The reason behind this can be the feeling of being helpless. She starts wondering about how would she be able to manage things in such a state of the body. Exercises help in such cases too. They enhance the energy levels of an expecting woman.

What Causes Pregnancy Back Pain?

There can be many factors responsible for pregnancy backache. It is important to note that back pain is associated with the spinal cord. As the baby grows during pregnancy, the joints are likely to give up their stability. 

Most of the baby weight is felt on abdomen and this leads to an overworked spinal cord that strives to keep the body in an upright position. Even if there is no pain, you might fall prey to the problem of not caring about your body. Bad posture or body movement can result in the beginning of the back problem.

Exercises You Should Follow

Adequate blood supply is a very important aspect of keeping fit. During pregnancy, it is vital to ensure a normal blood supply to all the organs of the body. The pumping of heart is responsible for this. You can maintain adequate blood supply with the help of cardiovascular exercises. 

Pregnant women should do this exercise with extreme caution. Other than this one, you can also perform strengthening exercises meant for abdominal, back and thigh muscles. These will minimize your back pain to a great extent. Take care that you perform all these backache exercises without getting exhausted.

For pregnant women, it is not necessary to perform only those exercises that keep you fit. If the lack of willingness is still there even after trying, they can indulge in other activities like swimming and walking. Even a 10 minute walk after every meal or 20 minutes of swimming everyday will do. 

So, she can consider these activities as part of back pain exercises and carry on with them without having any guilt. Before you start with any of these exercises, make sure that you have consulted your physiotherapist well.

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